A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.123 area. Town Hall Plaza, off Broad Street in Colonyville, would group official activities and provide frontage for smaller retail spaces. Streets leading from Broad Street would yield access.to sports and educational facilities, "block-scale" retail shops, and housing clusters. SCOPTON should not be a shiny, white, uniform, sterile place. Color should be freely applied, houses added onto, showing the mark of the owner. A family's home should be recognizable; the framework supplied them should be as receptive to Victorian Greek revival dentils and leaded glass bow front bay windows as it would be to streamlined futurist strip windows and sunshades. As a whole, SCOPTON should take advantage of its topography, and generate a variety of unique responses to the making of a housing locale. The town, its circulation, activity spaces and housing clusters should be sufficiently rich in their organization, materials, textures, spaces and forms so that a quick understanding of the entire habitation is not possible. The entirety of the place can never be grasped at once; some things are always obscured, out of reach. VI.12.3: Activities and Facilities Program: The character of the colony can be defined through the spaces which accommodate desi~ed activities. No one "correct" solution for the program of spaces exists; rather, a family of acceptable solutions lies within a range defined by a group of variables. What activities are suggested by the coiony image? If the colony settlement is like a small town, should the designe; be content to duplicate the choices available to the rural Iowan? The intro~erted isolation of the colonists might indicate that the range of activities should be broadened to provide a more diverse choice of meaningful occupations of time and interest. The role of "leisure counseling" and the therapeutic value of recreation would be central to making pleasurable this frontier experience. The role of these personnel must be carefully analyzed. Counselors should be individuals capable of encouraging a wide variety of activities without displaying overtly directorial control: any resemblance to the activities director of an ocean liner or a resort camp would only emphasize the contained feeling inherent in the colony.