A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

Number Size Total Activity Facility needed (m2) Area Comments VII. Entertainment Plants Shop 1 ! 25 25 Storage & refrigerators Clothing Shop 3 35 105 Differing lines of apparel Storage included Health Shop 1 25 25 Storage included Beauty Shop 2 35 70 Lookout Observation 1 3@5,1@20 35 Three meditation rooms along with general observation deck TOTAL 995 VIII. Service Inpatient Hospital Professionals Treatment Library 1 15 15 Beds 10 12/bed 120 Nurse 2 5/each 10 Emergency 4 30 120 Radiology Room 4 20 80 Surgery- OBS 4 40 160 ICU- Recovery 4 12/bed 50 Laborat ories 4 5/person 20 Dining Room 1 1/person 15 Kitchen 1 10 10 Administration Are, 1 50 50 Materials Handling 1 50 50 PT/OT 1 50 50 Offices 5 10 50 SUBTOTAL B6o Outpatient Clinic Treatment Diagnostic 4 10 40 Dental 2 10 20 Administration* In program for Inpatient Fil es 1 5 5 Toilets 4 5 20 Two sets of two Eye 2 15 30 Laborat ories* In program for Inpatient SUBTO').'AL 915 O"\ ,.. w 0 I I