A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.134 inhabitants are always somewhere out of sight. The acoustic load created by so many outside activities within a closed environment might be serious. Noise bouncing from one side to another or along the surface of the cylindrical section without absorbent materials could create a deafening racket. The walls of large public spaces might well be covered with absorbent material, as well as some of the roofs of buildings. Sound absorbent baffles could be placed along the surface of the colony, just above heat height, to control noise bouncing along the circumference. The temperature and humidity control system would be a good source of "white noise" to provide background. Facilities must be planned to handle loads imposed by emergency situations. Depressurization of the colony is highly unlikely, but a scenario for reaction must be prepared. Certain facilities in the colony would be planned to function in the event of depressurization. The inpatient hospital, outpatient clinic and guest hotel would all be closely connected and could act as sealed pressure vessels in case of hull pressure loss. -Emergency t~ams would work from their control space to secure dangerous areas and ensure the safety of the colonists. Oxygen storage areas and "shelters" would be located in all housing stock clusters. Shelters would be pressurized and equipped with life support systems and food sufficient to maintain a given load of occupants up to one week at normal diet. VI.12.5: Landuse Plan: Table 6.19 presents calculations relevant to the organization of habitable spaces, required site area coverage, and possible floor-area ratios. The Habitable Space Program presented in Table 6.18 totaled a needed program area of 51,580 m 2 . Comparison with the space estimate proposed in Section V.3.2 shows that the program, agreeably rich and diverse in options for the colonists, is within 10% of the ballpark guess. This correlation is quite acceptable. Table 6.19 shows that each endcap contains 172,992 m 2 of buildable area based on the typical town section shown. Certainly, total development of this section is unthinkable. The requirements of air, light, and privacy demand significant spaces between occupied areas. Dividing our space program into the available area shows that 15% of