A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6 .A6 FIGURE 6.A3: PROBABILITIES OF SOLAR PROTON EXPOSURE 1 mo. 3 mos. 6 s. ly:r:; 2yrs . .--< I ~ Ill .--< I Ill 107 N I 5 >, .jJ ·.-I Ill 10 6 i:: Q) .jJ ~ .>( "' Q) P, 10 5 .01 .1 1.0 Probability of exceeding I Probability of exceeding peak intensity I of solar protons with energy Er,>30 MeV, for missions of varying duration at s~lAU, and fof intensities less than that associated with 1 AL event. (Intensity for 1 AL event is shown by horizontal bars.) From NASA SP-8118, p. 21.