A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.A9 Table 6.A2: ELECTRON COMPONENTS AND PROTON COMPONENTS The el ectron curves in Figure 6.A4 for the mean integral and differ ential intensities versus kinetic energy are specified by and Here the required units are E in MeV (for l<E<3xl05 MeV), Ie in m-2s-lsr-l, and ie in m-2s-lsrl MeV-1; and the parameter values are a = 10-12, B = 10-3, and y = 6xl04. For a precision within 1%, terms proportional to a may be ignored for E < 250 MeV and the last of the terms in the suin for Ie or ie may be ignored for E > 250 MeV. The data on which the electron representations are based have a scatter of less than 25% about the curves. The positron intensities are O.lx2±1 times the electron intensities (eqs. 14 and 15) at the same energy. The proton curves in Figure 6.A4 for the mean integral and differential intensities versus kinetic energy are specified by and I = 3xl OS p [a.E6+BE4+E2(1.8) E~] 2/5 1. 2xl05 (6aE5+4BE3+2E) [a. E6+sE4+E2 +(1. 8)E~ ] 7/ 5 107 [ (l .6)E+O. 6yE~ ] E8/5 (E+yE~) 2 Here the required units are the same as for electrons, and the parameter values are a. = 9xl0-29 , B = 5x10-9and y = 8. For a precision within 1%, terms proportional to a may be ignored for E <109 MeV, terms proportional to B may be ignored for E < 2000 MeV, and the last of the two terms in the sum for Ip or ip may be ignored for 80 < E < 1010 MeV. The energy parameter E2 represents the location of a maximum in the proton differential intensity ip and is variable in the solar cycle. Suitable values are given by E = 576- l64(t-1970) I for 1964 . 75 ( t ~ 1975. 25 2 576-l 64(t-1980. 5) I for 1975.25 ~ t ~ 1985. 75 where t represents the date in solar cycle 20 or 21. The data on which the proton representations are based have a scatter of less than 50% about the curves. (From NASA SP-8118, p.30.)