A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.C7 Again, by the parallel axes theorem, I I Yone hemisphere Yone hemisphere I + (J,lass he,rn;i.sphere) (87 .5) 2 Y5 (}- (}) 2 ) (}1r(l00) 3 (.491)) (l00) 2 +( j-1r( l00) 3 (.491)) (87.5) 2 1.05 x lOlO kg-m2 I = 2 .11 x lOlO kg-m 2 Yatmosphere hemispheres The total Iy is the sum of the component Iy's: I 1.29 x 10 12 kg-m 2 Yhull VI.C.3: ESTIMATE OF MOMENT OF INERTIA OF FIRST SHIELD DESIGN ABOUT ITS AXIS OF SYMMETRY Figure 6.C3 presents the shield model used in this analysis and in VI.C.4. The shield is considered to be a thinshell cylindrical section of radius 105 meters and length 100 meters, with thin-shell hemispherical endcaps of radius.105 meters. The area density is 5000 kg/m 2 . I 2 cylindirical shield section (Mass cylindrical shield section) (Radius) 2 21r (105) (100) (5000) (105) 2 = 3. 64 x 10 12 kg-m 2 I = 1 (Mass shield endcaps) (Radius) 2 2 shield endcaps Thus }t41r (105) 2 (5000)) (105) 2 5.09 x 10 12 kg-m 2 I 2 shield 8.73 x 10 12 kg-m 2