A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.C9 VI.C.4: ESTIMATE OF MOMENT OF INERTIA OF FIRST SHIELD DESIGN ABOUT TRANSVERSE AXIS The y-axis in Figure 6.CJ goes through the center of mass of the shield. y 1 passes through the sphere-center of the endcap. Y 2 goes through the center of mass of the endcap. I Ycylindrical shield section jj-(Mass cylindrical shield section) (6 (Radius) 2 + (Length) 2 ) 2.09 x 10 12 kg-m 2 The center of mass of a thin-shell hemisphere is on its axis of symmetry, halfway between the sphere-center and the tip of the hemisphere. From the parallel axes theorem, (Radius) 2 where Iy 1 - (Mass shield hemisphere) 2 I = ~ 3 (Mass shield hemisphere) (Radius) 2 Y1 Again, by the parallel axes theorem, I I + (Mass shield hemisphere) (102.5) 2 Yone endcap Y2 (} - }l (Mass shield hemisphere) (105) 2 + (Mass shield hemisphere) ,(102 .5) 2 = 5.23 x 1012 kg-m2 I = l.05xlo 13 kg-m 2 Yshield endcaps Thus I = 1.26 x 10 13 kg-m 2 Yshie ld