A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.Dl APPENDIX VI.D LEAKDOWN ANALYSIS VI.D.l: LIST OF SYMBOLS m = mass of air in hull (kgl 0 (kg/sec) ~<O) m = mass flow out of hole p pressure at hole lN/m 2 ) p = density at hole (kg/m 3 ) T temperature at hole ("K} u = velocity at hole (m/sec) p = stagnation pressure (N/m 2l 0 (kg/m 3 ) p = stagnation density 0 T = stagnation temperature ("K) 0 (N/m 2 ) p.= initial pressure l. T.= initial temperature ("K) l. (m2) A = hole area M = Mach number y = S: = 1.4 C for diatomic gases V Vol= hull volume (m3 ) Rmix = gas constant for mixture (m 2 /sec 2 -°K) VI.D.2: Analysis: Given a 50% o 2 - 50% N 2 atmosphere leaking through a hole in the hull, then m = - PUA PAM ✓Rmix T y