A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.E2 The average power consumption per person per day for people living in the U.S. in 1967 (6.E2) is reproduced in Table 6.El. The power consumption is l0kW/person. Power consumption has undoubtably increased between 1967 and 1976, but efforts toward energy conservation will probably reverse the trend. The 1967 values might then represent increased consumption utilizing devices of increased efficiency. Table 6.El breaks power consumption into five use sectors and subdivides each sector through several catagories. The "residental" sector encompasses all housing stock, from single family (large surface-to-volume ratio) through row housing (median) to highrise apartments (small surface-to-volume ratio) . "Commercial" includes rental establishments, institutional facilities, and governmental offices. "Transportation" encompasses all modes of travel on land, sea, and air. "Industry" includes facilities as energy-intensive as steel mills and as energy-sparing as warehousing. "Other" includes agricultural power consumption and infrastructure (roads, lighting, water supply and sewerage, telephone). The catagorie$ are defined as follows. "Space heating" denotes power consumed solely for the purposes of temperature control in a building. "Other heat" denotes power consumed for process heat (i.e. for cooking, hot water, heat for industrial processes). "Electricity" denotes electrical power used for lighting, machinery, and electrical equipment. "Motive uses" denotes power used to run transportation vehicles. "Nonenergy uses" denotes the consumption of power indirectly in the form of lubricants, asphalts, petrochemicals, and other raw materials. The "Earth-normal" values of Table 6.El must be reviewed for their appropriateness to the prototype colony situation. The values occuring in the category "space heating" must be adjusted. Pthermal is assumed to provide a basic level of environmental comfort; therefore only small-scaled individualized adjustments are expected. 5% of the 1967 "Earth-normal" figures for space heating in all sectors should be adequate. "Other heat" and "electricity", however, should remain at 100% of "Earth-normal"• The concept of the colony