A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.E4 requires that power be provided for cooking and hot water, other processes, and electricity at Earth-normal levels for "residential", "commercial", and "other" sectors. "Industry" at the space colony is located primarily outside the hull, and industry located inside should be energy-sparing. A level of 30% Earth-normal power consumption for industry within the colony is proposed for "other heat" and 50% Earth-normal for "electricity". "Non-energy uses" demands for lubricants and raw materials are satisfied through supply from outside the colony, and are not included in the demand figures. The main modes of "transportation" for colonists are by walking and possibly some type of pedal powered vehicle. For transportation of people and cargo to and from the airlock area some ,type of small electrically powered vehicle or conveyor system might be employed. There may also be some need for an emergency medical vehicle and a general-purpose transport ,vehicle for maintenance and farming operations. A value of 5% of the Earth-normal motive use number is considered more than adequate. A swmnary of the prototype colony lifestyle electrical power requirements is presented in Table 6.E2. Thus Pinputlifest le = 3.6 kW/person Y per person The total electric power demand is then Pinputelectrical per Pinputoperations per + Pthermal per person person person+ pinputlifestyle per person (2.0 KW/person) + (3.6 kW/person) + Pthermal per person (5.6 x 10 3 watts/person) + Pthermal per person