A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.Fl APPENDIX VI.F POWER FLOW FROM HULL THROUGH SHIELD FOR FIRST CONFIGURATION VI.F.l: LIST OF SYMBOLS Aho outside area of hull (m 2 ) Asi inside area of shield (m 2 ) Aso outside area of shield (m 2 ) Tho outside temperature of hull (°K) Tsi inside temperature of shield (°K) Tso outside temperature of shield (°K) hshield thickness -0f shield (m) Kshield thermal conductivity of shield (watts/m-°K) emissivity a Stefan-Boltzmann constant= 5.74xl0-B watts/m 2 - °K 4 Pnet = net power flow from hull out to space (watts) VI.F.2: ANALYSIS For this analysis the emissivities ( E) of the outside of the hull and the inside and outside of the shield are taken as (.9), the value for white paint (6.Fl). The power flow from the hull, through the shield, and out to space, happens in three stages, governed by three equations. First, power radiates from the outside of the hull across the 5-meter gap between hull and shield to the inside of the shield. Also across the 5-meter gap, the inside of the shield radiates to the outside