A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6 .F2 of the hull. The net power flowing from the outside of the hull to the inside of the shield is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: This net power flow, by continuity, must also convect through the shield, here modeled as a continuously solid flat wall (no radiation effect through it, only convection). Pnet = Kshield ~ (Tsi· - Tso) hshield Finally, the same power must radiate out to space (the temperature of space is taken to be 0°K). P = ECJA T 4 net so so To simplify this analysis, the area v;lues Aho' Asi' Aso are taken to be all equal to Aho= l.888xl0 5 m, and are renamed A. The three equations now become: K . __A __ shield hshield Kshield is set by the shield design and the shield material. hshield is set by the shielding requirement: since lunar dirt has density 2000 kg/m 3 (6.F2), and a 5000 kg/m 2 shield is needed, hshield = 2.5 meters. Assuming Tho= 295°K (close to or equal to the temperature inside the hull), leaves three equations in three unknowns: pnet' Tsi' Tso