A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.H6 VI.H.3: ANALYSIS From the engineering standpoint, the important parameters are: Pthermal' the electrical input required, which sizes the electrical generating system; prad and T 2 (the radiator inlet temperature) which set the design and materials for the external radiator; Poutput rad' which, with T2 and T 3 , sizes the external radiator; T 4 , the temperature of the air returning to the hull, which can pose a safety hazard if it is very low; and;, which sizes the compressor and turbine. The following equations apply to the ideal Brayton heat pump cycle (6.Hl); These last two equations are modified by the compressor and turbine inefficiencies: p 1 m C (T2-Tl) comp 17 comp p Pturb + P thermal Pturb = 17turb m C p (T3-T4) Also, for isentropic compression, = ( ~) y~l