A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6.Hl0 Then Pheat into pump Pinput sunlight+ Pinput operations + Pinput lifestyle - poutput hull+ shield + w-~::::) (:~=:~) + ( 1-nturb) ( :~=::)] Pheat into pump and p. t +p. t +p. t p pheat into pump ,n~pu sunlight ,npu operations ,(n~~ +:festy)l]e outputhull+shield 1-n T -T -r:- - .T4 1- ~ _2__1 + (l-n ) l ( ncoJ ( T 1 -T 4 ) turb ~ The above equation determines Pheat into pump from a minimum of variables. P. is set by agricultural requirements; 1.nputsunlight pinput . by colony operational needs; Pinputli'festyle by operations the inhabitants' electrical consumption; Poutputhull+shield by the shield design; ncomp and nturb by available technology; T 1 by human temperature requirements. This leaves T 4 and T 2 as variables, Once T 4 and T2 have been picked, and Pheat into pump calculated from the equation above, then T 3 is available from T4T2 T3 = ~