A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

6. Hll and Poutputrad comes from As mentioned in VI.8.4, the external radiator does not operate at one temperature throughout. Here again, the equivalent radiator temperature is and the Stefan-Boltzmann Law gives P outputrad ( £ ) (o) (Trad) 4. The mass of the radiator depends on the material used. If T 2 is below 644°K (see Appendix VI.G), aluminum is suitable, and If T 2 is above 644°K, a steel radiator is needed: VI.H.4: CONSTRAINTS ON THE PARAMETERS There are physical restrictions on the cycle temperatures. T 1 is fixed at 295°K for human survival reasons. T 4 has a lower limit of 90°K; below this the oxygen in the air liquefies, lessening the turbine work output. T 4 also has upper limit 295°K, since the