A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

7. 22 The last assembly requirement is the sizing of the small plates on the 20m x 20m hull sections and the bulkhead sections. The choice of plate size was influenced by three factors. First, the ease of manufacture and assembly has to be considered. The second consideration is the damage tolerance of the hull. A projected size had to be determined for the largest tolerable hole in the outer hull. The leak down rate of the colony (see Section VI.7.6) and the additional load absorbed by the adjacent structure suggested the choice of a 4m 2 hole as the largest projected damage size. Thirdly, the ease of repair had to be considered. The plates should not be so large as to require unwieldly pieces to be handled while the colony is spinning. These three considerations led to the choice of lm x lm plate as the basic building block of the entire colony. VII.4: STRESS ANALYSIS AND SIZING VII.4.1: List of Symbols: E - Elastic modulus in tension g - acceleration of gravity (9.807 m/sec 2 ) - length of clamped plate section M ag - mass per unit area of material needed for agriculture (using only the cylindrical portion of the inner hull) ¾ulk ¾ull M max - mass per unit area of the portion of the bulkheads born by each hull - mass per unit area of one hull - maximum moment due to plate bending Mshield - mass per unit area of shield N - number of bulkheads distributed about hull circumference N - number of bulkheads distributed along cylindrical section pl - load per unit area on inner hull p2 - load per unit area on outer hull