A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

where 0 8 is 100m 7870(t 1 ) kg/m 2 2158(t 1 ) kg/m 2 308.9 kg/m 2 7. 25 100 ½ [7870t 1 (9 . 807) + 2158t 1 (9.807) + 308.9(9.807) ] .!.Q_Q_ [98340t 1 + 3029 ] tl 9.834 X 10 6 + 3.029 X 10 5 !_ t l in units N/m 2 and tl is in m. Typical results are plotted on Figure 7.8. VII.4.3.2: Calculation of the Applied Stress - Hull Thickness Relation with Outer Hull Failure: As previously described, the portion of the inner hull over the failed compartment may in this case be considered a 20m square plate clamped on all sides under combined tension and transverse loading. In Reference (7.11), pages 197-203, the case of transverse loading is treated in detail. Using the results in Table 35, page 202 as well as the relations on page 42 of the above reference, both the maximum bending moment and maximum stress due to plate bending were determined: M max .0513 P 0 1 2 6 M max 0 max T where 1 = dimension of plate= 20m, and P 0 normal atmospheric pressure= 40,530 N/m 2 .