A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

7 . 33 In a similar fashion, the relative radial elongation of a bulkhead section may be found. Rearranging terms, we find: Pb (R2-Rl) = 6R2 - 6Rl = Et3 To ensure that the bulkheads remain attached to the hull, a condition is imposed which equates the difference in hull expansions to the elongation of the bulkheads. Thus, we have: Pb(R2-Rl) 1 P2R22 PlR12 Et 3 = E [~ - ~l Substituting values of R 1 and R 2 and simplifying, SPb ll, 02SP 2 ½ = __ t_2 __ 10,000P 1 __t_l __ From Sections VII.4.3 and VII.4.4, obtain the normal applied force/ area values P 1 and P 2 : p2 98 , 340t2 + 89,565 Recalling the P 1 and P 2 relations, obtain: P 1 98,340t 1 + 3,029 + 0.1077Pb P2 98 , 340t 2 + 89,565 - 0.1055Pb Using the relation Pb= t 3 ab and substituting the values of P 1 and p 2 : 10 , 000 - ~ [98 , 340t 1 + 3,029 + 0.1077obt 3 J