A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

7.68 Final design of the colony's buildings would combine the requirements of structural integrity with the more subjective criteria for providing a livable environment. Figure 7.26 is a sketch of the window showing both the radius of curvature and the proposed glass layer thickness. The window consists of 28 layers of 6 cm thick glass mosaic in a steel structure. This. steel structure and the reinforcement to the circumference of the hull cutout, which are required to safely accommodate the pressure load transmitted through the glass, were not designed. To complete the description of the hull configuration, Table 7.2 lists proposed dimensions for the various components as well as design stress levels and approximate total masses of hulls, bulkheads, and stiffeners. VII.7: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The structural analysis presented in this chapter includes several features which should provide the colony with an indefinite safe life if fully realized. These features are: 1. The Leak Before Break condition and the inspection procedure it allows. 2. Design normal stress levels below the threshold stress of crack growth. 3. Fail Safe design incorporating an assumed damage scenario which postulates the loss of four hull plates. 4. Provision of high toughness crack stoppers in the joints between panels. 5. The use of a stress concentration factor of 3 to account for the presence of various welds, fillets, and holes. However, certain ambiguities and uncertainties remain in the design as presented. These questions have been discussed in the text and reveal the need for further basic research in several areas. Perhaps the most important topic for future study is the question of