A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

7 .Bl APPENDIX VII.B DYNAMIC LOADS VII.B.l: LIST OF SYMBOLS E - Young's modulus of elasticity (N/m 2 ) f - frequency (Hertz) G - Shear modulus of elasticity (N/m 2 ) I - Mass moment of inertia (N-m 2 ) Ip - Polar moment of inertia (m 4 ) Ix - Mass moment of inertia about longitudinal axis (N-m 2 ) J - Torsional moment of inertia (m 4 ) 1 - length of affected region (300ml m -mass/length (Kg/m) M - Bending moment (N-m) P - axial tension (N) r - radius of cylindrical section (m) T - Torque/length (N) L - Total applied torque (N-m) w - vertical deflection (m) a - angular acceleration (radian/sec 2 ) v - Poisson's ratio a - stress e - angle/length w - frequency (radian/sec) VII.B .2: GENERAL REMARKS In the following sections of this appendix an outline of the equations governing the vibratory motion of the colony's hull is