A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

7.Hl APPENDIX VII.H STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF ENDCAP WINDOW The endcap window is a spherical section with radius of curvature 100m and rim diameter 40m. Using references (7 .Hl) (7 .H2) as guides, we can see that the radial loading Pr equals a constant P 0 , the atmospheric pressure (40530 N/m 2 ). For a spherical shell: where: p p 2 Nq, ; - 2 - 0 -_ - - f r cos q, sin q, d q, r sin q, o Nq, Nq, r - Nq, t /2 f t/2 aq, dr p r 2 p 0 a t o 1 . 2 r sin2¢ 2[sin q, p 0 r q, ] ~ ; Ne 0 Stress resultant in the q, spherical direction Stress resultant in the spherical direction r ; radius of curvature of the window t ; window thickness As could be anticipated, the stress resultants in the two circumferential directions, q, and 8, are equal. We set r, the radius of curvature of the window, at 100m, and ayield at 3.45xl0 8 N/m 2 (this figure incorporates a factor of safety of 2). The relation: t . min P r 0 20 relates minimum thickness to yield stress.