A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

8. 28 mill which has a mass of 2700 tons. Using a mean density of 1000 kg/m 3 (see Section VIII.4.3.1), this mill needs a volume of 2700m 3 . Assuming that the shack is a cylinder with diameter D and length D and that it has two hemispherical endcaps, then the volume is given by: Vol D (D)2 + _!3 TT (!2_2)3 .TT 2 5TTD3 = 1 309D3 12 . if Vol= 2700m 3 , D 13m. If we take all the remaining manufacturing equipment and put it in two additional cylinders, they would have D = 15m and D = 17m. Since these are close to the size of the cylinder required for the blooming mill, we standardize the design to an 18m diameter cylinder, which also leaves a little room for accessways, life-support, emergency and maintenance equipment, and for future expansion. The control/information processing center would also be housed in the cylinder with the plate mill. The refinery equipment, excluding solar collectors and furnaces, also fits into a cylinder of 18m diameter. Only the fabrication lay-up bed which measures 25m x 25m must be put in a larger shack with diameter 25m. Knowing the size of the cylinder, it is now a simple matter to find the required wall thickness (t) to withstand the pressure loads. We have: t . O for D D p a = 40530 N/m 2 140 MN/m 2 D 18m or 25m 18m, t " 3 mm 25m, t mm The following, then, is the distribution of equipment amongst the cylinders, their sizes and masses: