A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

8. 29 Cylinder Equipment Within 1 Refining Blooming Mill Plate Mill, Milling Machines, Control Center Billet and Light Section Mill,Fastener and Milling Machines Lay-up Bed and EB Welder Cylinder Diameter ~ 18m 48T 18m 48T 18m 48T 18m 48T 25m 124T 316T The position of the work shacks in the colony construction site will be illustrated in Section VIII.7.2.1. VIII.6.2: Mass and Power Summary: Listed are the mass and power requirements of all the items described in the refining, manufacturing, and fabrication processes including the shacks that house the equipment: Item Mass Power Refinery 835T 46000 kW Blooming Mill 2700T 5000 kW Plate Mill 1300T 2500 kW Billet Mill 1200T 2200 kW Light Section Mill 700T 1400 kW Plate Milling Machines 1ST 54 kW Fastener & Nut Machines ST 24 kW Major Stiffener Milling Machines 24T 72 kW Minor Stiffener Milling Machines 12T 36 kW Lay-up Bed 312T 100 kW EB Welding Heads 2T 200 kW Drilling Heads 42T 112 kW Shacks 316T 7469T 57698 kW