A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

8.57 designed to operate under all possible damage conditions. Thus it is best to rely for repair on humans, who can rapidly adapt to unexpected and changing conditions. If a plate in the outer hull is lost completely, its compartment depressurizes. A portable air lock is then placed over the compartment hatch to avoid complete loss of the prototype atmosphere during the repair operation. The repair crew wears pressure suits, but a .5g to lg environment exists in the compartment so manual labor should not be very difficult. If necessary, the shielding can be removed and the damaged components replaced using only hand tools. With the exception of a simple portable air lock, no special repair equipment is necessary. If the inner hull needs repair, the air lock is placed over ~he failed plate to protect the colony in the event of further damage occurring during the repair itself. The air lock also allows the creation of a local vacuum around the repaired area for electron beam welding. VIII.9: WORK FORCE, MASS, AND POWER VIII.9.1: Work Force: The following are estimates of the work force requirements at the colony construction site during the five-year hull construction period: Area or Responsibility Refinery Rolling Mills Milling Machines Fabrication Hoist Crane Assembly Construction Shack Automatic Control Quality Control Repair and Maintenance Power Plant Physical Plant and Dining Supervisors Directors Engineering Support Men/Shift 6 4 5 5 1 4 4-6 2 3 3-5 1-2 3-4 4 Total for 3 Shifts 18 12 15 15 3 12 12-18 6 9 9-15 3- 6 9-12 12 4 3- 6 142-163