A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

8.A6 These figures cover a range of 1. 57 kW/ ton to 2. 25 kW/ ton, which compares reasonably well with the figure for light rolling mills (3 kW/ton), considering that the rolling mills are 1000 times heavier than the light milling machines. The specific power consumption of rolling mills is estimated as: Specific Power Consumption= 2 W/kg = 2 kW/ton Data on the volume of mills is difficult to evaluate because most large mills are complex machines laid out in huge factory buildings. However, when the density of individual units such as rolling stands is calculated, it always falls in the range of 500-1000 kg/ m 3 , which agrees with earlier results. The density of rolling mills was chosen as : Mean Density= 1000 kg/ m 3