A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

9.20 mass, is 58.5 tons, or 29.25 tons per space shuttle launch. This is greater than the 27.5 ton payload limit set for the shuttle for the purposes of this report, but less than the 65,000 pound maximum payload, and is therefore baselined. The lunar landing vehicle, as configured in this report, therefore consists of two space shuttle payloads as LLV payload,and two shuttle-sized propellant tanks to supply propellant. The empty LLV configuration might then resemble Figure 9.6,and Figure 9.7 shows the LLV in a fully loaded configuration. The secondary mission of personnel transfer to and from the lunar base must also be accommodated by the LLV. The mass breakdown for this configuration is also shown in Table 9.3. In order to allow a lunar launch payload,the landing payload is constrained to 38.5 tons, or 11 tons over the mass of a crew transport module. The remaining 16.5 tons of the second payload module is taken up by additional propellants and tanks for the lunar landing vehicle. Thus, in its secondary mission configuration, the f~lly loaded LLV consists of a crew transport module, two standard LLV propellant tanks, and a cargo/propcllant :1ybrid payload module. This configuration, shown in Figure 9.8, exists at the start of lunar descent. The hybrid payload module and one empty propellant tank are left behind on the lunar surface,and launch takes place with a loaded crew transport module opposite a nearly-full propellant tank. The design of the primary propulsion guidance system must allow for lateral drift of the center of mass during the ascent burn. In both configurations,the LLV is fully loaded by the payload of a single orbital transfer vehicle,thus simplifying rendezvous procedures. IX.1.4: Transport Linear Accelerator: The purpose of this project is the design and analysis of a prototype space colony and the construction techniques necessary for building it. It is beyond the scope of this report to consider doing a full-scale transportation systems analysis, and from the beginning the primary transport system for the colony mass was assumed to be an electromagnetic launcher on the lunar surface.