A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

10.9 vacuum, and one-sixth-g shirtsleeves environment? What are acceptable work schedules and maximum onsite times? How much training and supervision do the workers require? If their effectiveness can be increased by automatic or remote-controlled devices, is it cost-effective to do so? *2) Refining: Is it cost-effective to refine lunar material on the Moon? How much energy and Earth materials does space refining require? What are the physical layouts and structural tolerances of solar furnaces? What are the manpower, equipment, and refurbishment requirements of the refining operations? What experiments are needed to demonstrate the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of space refining? *3) Dynamics of the Construction Site: How can colony construction sites be kept free of distortion and oscillation? What special techniques and equipment are required to move multi-ton pieces of colony around assembly sites? lvhat active damping systems are required? 4) Navigation Around Construction Sites: What simple, reliable navigation systems can be used to m~ve and position items around colony construction sites, with minimum expenditure of propellants? What collision avoidance systems are needed? 5) Manufacturing Equipment Design: What are specific designs for manufacturing machines? What are the mac,1ines' masses? What vibrations and dynamic loads do they apply to surrounding structures? What are their manpower and refurbishment requirements? 6) Sealants: What sealants can last more than 30 years exposed to the space environment? 7) Inspection Techniques: What modifications to existing inspection techniques are needed to adapt them for use in zero-g vacuum on large space-manufactured components?