A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

V.l: INTRODUCTION 5.1 CHAPTER V ENVIRONMENTS This section describes the environmental requirements for human survival and comfort. Section V.2 explains Life Requirements, those criteria demanded by survival and effective usage of human resources in a self-sustaining space environment. Operation and Comfort Requirements (Section V.3) are those criteria set by the anticipated purpose and performance of the environment and its population rather than mere survival reasons. This includes the basic psychological criteria of living quarters and recreation. V.2: LIFE REQUIREMENTS V.2.1: Radiation: Radiation is measured in rads (radiation absorbed dose). One rad of radiation deposits 100 ergs into one gram of any material. Associated with each type of radiation is an RBE (relative biological effectiveness), a measure of the destructive potential of that radiation to living tissue. Radiation effect in humans is measured in rems (roentgen equivalent per man). For a specific type of radiation, (Dose in rem) = (Dose in rad) (RBE for that radiation) Table 5.1 shows RBE's for various kinds of space radiation and human rem allowances. The inhabitants of a space environment must stay within those allowances. Overdose of radiation in humans leads to disease (radiation sickness, cancer), debilitation, and death. However, the effects of radiation are dependent on dosage rate: 100 rems in one day permits no further exposure for life while 500 rems can be spread over twenty years. This allows upward variations from a nominal, safe radiation environment, provided that the increased doses do