A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

11.11 (8.27) Klass, P. J., "Non-Destructive Evaluation Effort Grows", Aviation Week and Space Technology, Vol. 104, No. 7, pp. 5965, February 16, 1976. (8.28) Steffens, R. W. and D. R. Newman, "Multielectrode Ultrasonic Transducer Test Techniques for Radioisotope Encapsulation Inspection", Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Nondestructive Evaluation, pp. 211-220, Western Periodicals Co., 1971 . (8.29) Kuenne, Guenter, "Development of a Large Automatic Ultrasonic Plate Testing Installation with Online Computer Data Output, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 73-80, April, 1975. (8. 30) "Automatic Inspection Can Take Control of a Production Line", The Engineer, Vol. 234, No. 6054, p. 39, March 23, 1972. (8.31) Moroney, M. J., Facts from Figures, pp. 19lff; 209-214, Penguin Books, 1974. (8.32) Padilla, V. E. and J. W. Parks, "Definition of Fatigue Crack Geometry by Eddy Current Techniques", Proceedings 7th Symposium on NDE, pp. 79-84, 1969. (8.33) Green, J. S., "Mechanical Impedance Algorithm Analysis of Taper-Lok Bolted Joints", Proceedings 7th Symposium on NDE, pp. 239-249, 1969. (8.34) McDearman, W.R., "Computerized Ultrasonics--Practical Considerations of Interfacing a Computer to an Ultrasonic Test Instrument", Proceedings 9th Symposium on NDE, pp. 187197, 1973. (8.35) Tiffany, C. F., "Aerospace Pressure Vessels", Fracture Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, ed. H. Liebowitz, p. 299, NATO AGARD-AG-176, January 1974. (8. 36) Barton, J. R., et al. , "A New System for Inspecting Steel Bridges for Fatigue Cracks", Proceedings 9th Symposium on NDE, pp. 132-148, 1973. (8.Al) Tselikov, A. I., and V. V. Smirnov, Rolling Mills, trans. from Russian by M. H. T. Alford, Pergamon Press, New York, 1965, (LOC 63-10075). (8.Bl) Welding Handbook, S. T. Walter, ed., American Welding Society, New York, 1964. (8.B2) Walter, Stanley T., Editor, Welding Handbook, American Welding Society, New York, 1964, Section 47.