A Systems Design for a Prototype Space Colony

11.12 CHAPTER IX: (9.1) "Traffic Model for the Space Shuttle," NASA TM X-64717. (9.2) Kline, R. and C. Nathan, "Overcoming Two Significant Hurdles to Space Power Generation: Transportation and Assemblv," AIAA Paper 75-641. ~ (9.3) "SSME and Other Propulsion System Options for Future Boosters," AIAA Paper 76-710, July 1976. (9. 4) "Space Shuttle System Summary," Space Division, Rockwell International SSV74-32(R), May 1975. (9.5) Glatt, C. R., "WAATS--A Computer Program for Weights Analysis of Advanced Transportation Systems," NASA CR-2420, September 1974. (9.6) "Jane's All the World's Aircraft,"J.W.R. Taylor,ed., McGrawHill Book Company, New York, 1966-1967. (9.7) Tsiolkovskiy, K. E., "Beyond the Planet Earth," Pergammon Press, 1960 (written,1916). (9.8) Heinlein, R. A., "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," Berkley Medallion Books, 1966. (9.9) O'Neill, G. K., "The Colonization of Space," Science, 190, No. 4218, December 5, 1975. --- - (9.10) Heppenheimer, T. A., "Two New Propulsion Systems for Use in Space Colonization," Contribution No. 2677, California Institute of Technology, October 1975. (9.11) Heppenheimer, T. A. and M. Hopkins, "R&D Requirements for Initial Space Colonization," Astronautics and Aeronautics, March 1976. (9.12) Crawley, E. F., "Space Colonization: A Transportational System Analysis," Paper presented at the Northeast Regional Student Conference, AIAA, Syracuse, April 1976. (9.13) John H. Disher, Director, Advanced Programs, Office of Space Flight, NASA, Personal communication. (9.14) Koelle, H. H., ed., "Handbook of Astronautical Engineering," McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., 1961. (9.15) "Space Transportation System," U. S. General Accounting Office, February 1975. (9 .16) "Space Colonization by the Year 2000: An Assessment", Program Development, Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, January 1975.