1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

LIST OF TABLES 1.1 Installed Generating Margin (GWe) For the Various Pools as a Function of the Circumstances 1-10 2.1 Regional Load Density (1974) 2-3 2.2 Required Installed Generating Margin (GWe) For a Range of Power Pools According to Various Circumstances 2-24 3.1 Incremental Costs of Conventional Generation 3-25 3.2 Maximum Allowed Discount Rate as a Function of Inflation Revenues Set Equal to Fuel Costs of Nuclear Generator 3-26 3.3 Maximum Allowed Discount Rate as a Function of Inflation Revenues Set Equal to Fuel Costs of Coal Generators 3-26 3.4 Maximum Allowed Discount Rate as a Function of Inflation Revenues Set Equal to Fuel Costs of Oil Generators 3-27 3.5 Revenues Set Equal to Fuel Costs of Nuclear Generator at Maximum Allowable Discount Rates 3-28 3.6 Revenues Set Equal to Fuel Costs of Coal Generator at Maximum Allowable Discount Rates 3-29 3.7 Revenues Set Equal to Fuel Costs of Oil Generator at Maximum Allowable Discount Rates 3-29