1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

transmission right-of-ways; they would be unlikely to accept this liability for the SPS. The liability for RFI caused by transmission lines is localized geographically and can be reasonably well defined before the transmission circuit is energized. On the other hand, the parallel problem associated with the interference of the SPS microwave beams with communications channels, radar, etc., may be neither localized geographically nor well defined before the first two SPSs are built. The utilities would be unlikely to accept this type of liability as a condition of purchasing an SPS unless the cost of SPS delivered energy were low enough to compensate for any foreseeable claims. The standard criterion used to purchase generators is that the total levelized costs (including the cost associated with RFI) shall be less than the alternative generation equipment. The present projected costs of the SPS are high compared to the nuclear alternatives. A very large, but undefined liability might increase the cost of the SPS or SPS energy significantly. Classification of Hazards The various public hazards of any industrial activity can be broken down into the following two categories; • Hazards that pertain despite the proper design or operation of equipment, or • Hazards that result due to improper and/or negligent operation of equipment. Each of these categories can be further broken down into • Localized, direct hazards, or • Indirect hazards. Potential hazards are associated with every industrial activity; examples of hazards that could pertain despite the proper design and/or operation of equipment are: