1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

9 Citizen's band radios, • State police radar, • Radio location for defense radar, and • Air traffic control radar systems. While it may be possible to retrofit this equipment with filters to remove much of the SPS induced noise from the received signal, because the magnitude of the interference is undefined, it is not now possible to reliably estimate the cost of each retrofit project nor the number of pieces of equipment that may need retrofitting in 1995. It is possible that every single piece of equipment in these categories will require filters in order to function once the SPSs are built. The Price Anderson Act The utilities have previously faced an undefined liability question in connection with a new technology; that new technology was the light water reactor. The issues at that time were • The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended required, as a condition for a nuclear facility construction permit, proof of financial protection against public liability claims arising out of a nuclear incident. • No one could reliably define the claims that might be lodged against a utility as a result of a major reactor incident. • No one could reliably estimate the probability of various types of reactor incidents - this question is still the subject of a significant amount of controversy. • The damage that could result from the worst possible nuclear incident was so high that the utilities would have had to purchase more insurance than was available from private carriers.