1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

A.3 Description of Calculations and Results The total amount of generation capacity required to ensure that each candidate power pool's demand for electric power is reliably met had been calculated for the following circumstances: • No SPS in the power pool • Power pool includes one or more SPSs with the following scheduled maintenance requirements. • No scheduled maintenance requirements • Scheduled maintenance for three maintenance intervals/ year • Shutdown for total earth eclipse period (four maintenance intervals/year) A.3.1 Length of Time During Which Demand is Between m and m-1 GWe 6t. is the length of time (hours) during each maintenance interval, £, when the demand for power is between m and m-1 GWe. Using equation 2.8, it is possible to calculate the values of 6t^m for each maintenance interval for the primary power pools. The results of these calculations are shown in Tables A.l, A.2 and A.3. Those intervals for which no number is given have a of zero. These tables allow the reader to appreciate the non-linear dependence of on and m. In the composite power pool, the output from the SPS should be fed into whichever power pool has the larger demand for power at that time. For 12 hours each day, the power output of the SPS is delivered to P and for the rest of the day, the power from the SPS is delivered to P+.