1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

Each power pool must be evaluated as if it were completely made up of conventional generators for half of the day and made up of conventional generator plus one 5 GWe SPS for other half of the day. There must be one set of 6t. 's for that half of the day when the demand for power in one particular power pool is greater than in the other and another set when the conditions are reversed. These two sets of 6t. , the same for each 30 GWe power pool, are given in xm Table A. 4. The set of numbers labelled H is the set that applies when the demand for power in the candidate power pool is higher than the demand in the other power pool and is used to calculate the LOLP when the power pool includes the SPS. The set of numbers labelled L apply when the opposite is true and is used to calculate the LOLP when the power pool includes only the conventional generators of the previous calculation. The LOLP used in the final analysis is the average of the two different LOLPs. A.3.1 Calculational Techniques - Simple Power Pools Using Equations A.3 and A.5 and the values of in Tables A.l, A.2 and A.3, the LOLP was calculated for the three power pools described by Equation 2.8 as a function of the following parameters • Maintenance interval • Number of available conventional generators • Number of available SPS in the power pool • No SPS • One SPS • Two SPS