1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

• Six (three) SPS The calculated value of the LOLP never equaled .1 day/ year exactly. However, it was possible to identify the minimum number of available conventional generators required to yield LOLPs of approximately .1 days/year for each maintenance interval independent of the others. (Equation A.5 clearly indicates that meeting this condition is sufficient to ensure that the LOLP during the whole year will be approximately equal to .1 day/year.) The number of pieces of conventional equipment needed to meet this criteria during each maintenance interval, n^, are given in Tables A.5, A.6, and A. 7 in the columns labelled NO SPS and ONE, TWO, or SIX SPSs with "no maintenance required". Six SPSs in Power Pools Including six SPS generators (total generating capacity = 30 GWe) in a power pool whose peak yearly demand is only 30 GWe would clearly be uneconomical in that their outputs would be used in that power pool only 56% of the year. No calculations were performed for this case. The economics of including six SPSs in a 40 GWe power pool are also questionable. However, these calculations were performed. In the 50 GWe power pool, the six SPSs would have to be used to meet the intermediate loads; the daily minimum is always less than the combined output of the six units. Scheduled Maintenance for the SPSs If there is no need to schedule maintenance for the SPS, then the SPS is always on-line and the values of contained * Three SPSs at a time are shut down for scheduled maintenance.