1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

Recommendations Because of the limited resources available for this study, models with insufficient detail to fully validate the conclusions had to be used. The following, more extensive studies of the SPS- utility interface are recommended before any final decision is made to build the SPS. • Perform a stability analysis for a specific large power pool to determine (1) the required stability of the SPS output, and (2) the probable "loss of load" associated with an unexpected SPS shutdown. • Investigate various methods and the associated costs of reducing SPS induced stability problems, e.g., transmitting SPS power via multiple high voltage de transmission lines (1 GW per circuit) to five different power pools remote from the rectenna site. • Calculate the optimum generating mix and operating costs for each of the two separate power pools in which the SPS is used in load following service. • Re-calculate the reserve margin requirements of the power pool with and without the SPS using more realistic models of the power pool generation mix and the SPS. • Calculate the cost of the required increase in the power pool spinning reserve caused by the inclusion of the SPS.