1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

It should be noted that roughly half of these system aspects relate to the ability of the system to respond to disturbances without undue reaction (what we shall call system stability) and the other half refers to the adequacy of generation and transmission equipment to meet the demand for electric power (what we shall call system reliability). These two criteria are related; a system which is inadequate to meet the power demand is more likely to over-react to certain types of system disturbances. The question addressed in this report was: What kind of stability and reliability problems will arise when an SPS is added to a power pool? Within the limits of available resources, the purpose of the study was to describe the nature of the problems and estimate their magnitudes. The problems investigated were: • Stability • Frequency disturbances caused by sudden changes in the amount of generation capacity in the power pool. • Effect of protection device operation on machine stability. • Reliability • Reserve margin requirements to maintain prescribed reliability in power pools containing one or more SPS with a variety of assumed outage characteristics. • Use of the SPS in load following service.