1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

• Composite Power Pool made up of two independent 30 GWe Power Pools whose times of peak demand differ by 3 hours. These power pools contained either • No SPS (all conventional equipment), or • One (5 GWe) SPS, or • Two (5 GWe) SPS, or • Six (5 GWe) SPS. Three different scheduled interruptions of the power from the SPS were considered: • Power interruption due to eclipses only during the actual eclipse period; no scheduled maintenance requirements. [This was a best case calculation.] • Power interruption due to eclipses only during the actual eclipse period, plus scheduled maintenance for 20% of the year. [This was a worst case calculation.] • Power interruption due to eclipses for the entire day for all days during which an eclipse occurs (90 days). [This was a worst case calculation; the SPS is unlikely to be economically attractive under these circumstances.] The magnitude of the installed reserve under each of the indicated conditions is entered in Table 1.1. The difference between the entry of interest and the entry for the power pool which does not contain an SPS is the extra installed margin that is required by the