1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

• identify all the possible liabilities, • estimate the magnitude of all identified liabilities, • reliably estimate the cost of meeting the liabilities, or • determine whether the electric utilities would assume these liabilities. In the past, the electric utilities have assumed the liabilities associated with the degradation of radio and television reception along transmission right-of-ways. This liability is localized geographically and can be reasonably well defined before the transmission circuit is energized. On the other hand, the similar problem associated with the interference of the SPS microwave beams with communications channels, radar, etc., may be neither localized geographically nor well defined before the first two SPSs are built. The utilities would be unlikely to accept this type of liability as a condition of purchasing an SPS or SPS delivered energy. 1.6 Structure of the Report Each of the six issues investigated in this study is discussed in some detail in the following chapters. Since there was some relationship among the first three issues, they were grouped together in Chapter 2. All others are described in independent chapters. The results of the study in each area are summarized at the beginning of each chapter so that each chapter can stand alone.