1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

The characteristics of conventional terrestrial generating equipment are such that a power pool's installed margin must be roughly 25% of the yearly peak power demand in order to meet the reliability criterion. The problem addressed in this study is as follows: Given that the power pool shall meet the present reliability criterion, how will the installed margin of various sized power pools change if some of the conventional generators in the pool are replaced by one or more 5 GWe Solar Power Systems having a variety of reliability characteristics? The magnitude of the assumed reliability criterion is not critical; whatever the criterion, it should not change when an SPS is added to the power pool. The systems considered were: • Power Pools • Peak Power Demand = 30 GWe • Peak Power Demand = 40 GWe • Peak Power Demand = 50 GWe • Two 30 GWe Pools whose daily peaks are displaced relative to each other by 3 hours. • Conventional Generating Equipment in Power Pool • Generating Capacity = 1,000 MWe • Unavailability due to forced outages = .05 • Unavailability due to schedule maintenance = .2 • Solar Power Satellite Characteristics • Delivered Generating Capacity = 5,000 MWe per unit • Unavailability due to forced outages = .05 • Effect of eclipses • No power during actual time of eclipse, or • No power during the 90 days when eclipses occur • Scheduled Maintenance