1977 A.D. Little SPS Effects On Electric Industry

margin could also be included. This approach has been used by ERDA and EPRI to assess the desirability of using fuel cells and £ batteries. Unfortunately, the resources available for this study do not allow this approach to be used and a significantly simpler and somewhat less accurate approach has been taken. To avoid having to consider, in detail, the costs associated with every piece of equipment in the power pool, a simple economic model unit was used. This model assumed: • The average cost of electrical energy in 1974 was 40 mills/kW-hr • The average fixed costs (equity costs, insurance costs, maintenance, etc.) of electricity in 1974 was 25 mills/kW-hr • The fixed costs increased with the general inflation rate, i^ - inflation affects the equity costs by affecting the capital cost of equipment added to meet a growing demand for power. • The average cost of fuel to generate electricity was 15 mills/kW-hr - fuel costs increase at a fuel inflation rate, i^, which is not necessarily equal to the general inflation rate but is unlikely to be less. • The yearly peak power demand increases at a growth rate, g, which is equal to the utilities yearly growth in energy sales. • The system load factor remains constant at .56. "Economic Assessment of the Utilization of Fuel Cells in Electric Utility Systems", Public Service Electric and Gas Company, EPRI EM-336, November, 1976.