NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

For Case (a2) we have ± 10s MHz For Case (a4) we have ± 4500 MHz (See Figure 83.) For Case (b2) we have ± 500 MHz For Case (b4) we have ± 160 MHz. In the above two radio astronomy cases, it was assumed that the radio astronomy antenna was pointing directly at the SSPS. If this antenna is limited to point only to within, say, 2 degrees of the SSPS, the gain of the RA antenna is essentially at the isotropic level. This effectively raises the -165.4 dBw line on Figures 83 and 84 to -110 dB (marked 2 deg). With a2 filtering we have ± 8000 MHz With a4 filtering we have ±1100 MHz With b2 filtering we have ± 175 MHz With b4 filtering we have ± 95 MHz. e. Typical Radar System A typical radar system (pages 5-6, Skolnik, Radar Handbook) has the following characteristics: If we consider a 3.2-meter diameter antenna, the area will be about 8 m2 so that the toti power per square meter needed to exceed the noise level is -136.3 - 10 log 8 = -145.3 dBw/m2 Since radars require a positive S/N ratio to operate, we can let the noise from the SSPS equal -145. dBw/m2 and still have interference. Therefore, Equation (4) becomes Figure 85 shows the cases for: a2 = ± 1400 MHz a4 = ± 460 MHz Figure 86 shows the cases for: b2 = ± 100 MHz b4 = ± 60 MHz