NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

TABLE 21 POWER CONVERSION TRANSMISSION, RECEPTION, AND CONTROL (NORMAL) Status: • In general, physics is understood and qualitative requirements are known. • Several approaches required to be developed and assessed. • Engineering, production, and verification required. • All elements are in the analytical feasibility assessment phase. • A plan has been developed. • Ionospheric, atmospheric, and other transmission efficiencies are expected to be 87%. • Stated efficiencies are those to be expected with present technology. Development Goal: • Producibility, low cost, high reliability and long life (approx. 30 years required). • Low mass and high density transport for flight items. • High integration of structural and power distribution technologies. • No new technologies identified unless noted. Basis for Improvement: • Few different parts at very high production rates operating in hard vacuum at high voltage (20,000V) and low current. Required Action (General): • Determine near optimum design approach and develop highly efficient processes for manufacture, delivery, assembly, and operation. • Proceed in ordered and directed steps in an assessment, technology, design, verification and demonstration program implementing systems requirements. • Provide for frequent Go/Hold/No-Go decision points. • Normal identification and evaluation of design approaches required for items on first page of Table 20 that near optimum system design is achieved in terms of high performance and low cost with programmatic confidence. • Normal determination of ecological impacts and development of recommended solutions for items on third page of Table 20 through (c) 3.0. • Proceed with plan.