NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

• Develop understanding of specific SSPS-induced environment; • Develop understanding of effects on birds and other animals anticipated to be exposed; • Develop required procedures and monitoring techniques; • Make clear any penalties to be faced for operating at the near-optimum frequency and flux density; and • Determine other penalties associated with operating at frequency and flux density levels which deviate from the near-optimum values. c. National and International Negotiations The prerequisites for frequency allocation negotiations at the national and international levels are as follows: • Determine the potential of the SSPS to meet future national and international electrical power needs; • Determine detailed impact on SSPS if other frequencies are allocated; • Determine detailed impact on other users of the electromagnetic spectrum; and • Analyze secondary effects, including effects of operational transients, scattering by accidental aircraft intrusion in beam and deliberate interference with transmission by the release of scattering media in beam. The ease with which negotiations can be accomplished will depend primarily on how critical the power need is and on how much of the need can be fulfilled by the SSPS. The impact on other users, of course, could be minimized by obtaining a frequency allocation early so that only a limited number of systems would be developed that would have to be modified or redesigned completely once the SSPS became operational. It is then in the nation's general interest to establish whether or not a potential role for the SSPS may exist and, if so, to initiate investigations and discussions to elicit the issues to be resolved in allocation negotiations. The earlier this process is started, the less difficult and trying it will be to all concerned. Solar Energy Conversion. — The key issues which will require further investigation time and the performance goal for each are listed below: