NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

emanating from the SSPS. The analysis showed that the approach required for Amplitron design and filtering techniques would minimize RFI with other users, and hence national and international agreement on frequency allocation for the SSPS would be achievable. Identification of Key Issues Technological Issues. — a. Microwave Generation, Transmission and Rectification The microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has been selected as the most useful for SSPS power generation, transmission, and rectification. From a device point of view, the Amplitron appears most promising because of its unique performance characteristics. b. Solar Energy Conversion Design approaches for the solar collector, solar cell blankets, and power collection and distribution methods were evolved to meet the requirements of the structure and control technique analyses. Environmental Issues. — a. Environmental/Ecological Impact The environmental and ecological impacts of the SSPS were explored, with attention focussed on the environmental and ecological impact at the receiving antenna, and the possible contamination of the stratosphere by the space transportation system. Waste heat released at the receiving antenna does not constitute a significant thermal effect on the atmosphere, and, with RF shielding incorporated below the rectifying elements, the receiving antenna operation can be compatible with other land uses. b. Biological Effects There exist conflicting interpretations of the effects of microwave exposure throughout the scientific community. Because of the lack of internationally accepted standards, based on experimental data, to place a specific and allowable level on microwave exposure, the SSPS will have to be designed to accommodate a wide range of microwave power flux densities. Economic Issues. — Three of the key issues that will have to be addressed when making an economic comparison of the SSPS with other means of generating power and the methodology to deal with these issues include: 1. The costs and benefits associated with the SSPS which have to be evaluated to determine the economic feasibility of an investment of this type.