NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

2. The macro-economic interindustry effects produced by the SSPS which have to be examined to analyze the effects such an investment might have on the structure of the economy as a whole. 3. The consumption effects created by the SSPS which will be reflected in both the cost/benefit analysis and the analysis of macro-economic interindustry effects. GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS Attitude control force along the x,y,z axes, respectively kg slugs Principal moment of inertia about the x,y,z axes respectively kg-m2 slug-ft2 Attitude control system gain Portion of external disturbance torque that is proportional kg-ni/rad ft-lb/rad to attitude angle errors acting about the x,y,z axes, respectively Rate sensor gain rad/(rad/sec) Spacecraft length along the x and y axes, respectively m ft Generalized displacement of the i^1 mode m ft Portion of external disturbance torque that is constant kg-m ft-lb and acting about the x,y,z axes, respectively Control system response time for the x,y,z axes, sec respectively Rigid body damping ratio Spacecraft rigid body rotational attitude about the x,y,z rad axes, respectively Rotational attitude commands about the x,y,z axes, rad respectively Rotational attitude errors about the x,y,z axes, rad respectively