NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

(b) $950/kW for SSPS baseline design, including projected weight saving improvements and “current” space shuttle transportation costs and projected assembly costs. (2) Operational SSPS $250/kW for SSPS baseline design, including projected weight saving improvements, an advanced space transportation system and projected assembly costs. c. Microwave Generation, Transmission and Rectification Costs Cost estimates for the microwave generators can be based on the substantial experience with state-of-the-art microwave devices. The cost estimates on the transmitting antenna are less firm, because detailed .design of the antenna has not yet been accomplished. Space structures have a high cost when measured in terms of dollars per pound of structure compared to the cost of commercially produced structures. However, most of the structure of the transmitting antenna will be highly repetitive and will be produced by mass production techniques. Because of the need for light-weight structures, the largest part of the cost will be in light-weight, high-performance materials. Table 33 provides cost estimates on the microwave generators and the transmitting antenna, indicating the range of costs based on the information available at the present. Table 34 provides the statistics on the receiving antenna on which the cost projections shown in Table 35 are based. The cost projections for the receiving antenna have been derived on the basis of material and labor costs for elements which can be produced by highly automated methods. As an example of the potential for automation, the number of diodes in one SSPS receiving antenna would require a year's production at the rate of manufacture of 18,000 diodes per minute. Yet the amount of material required would be less than 4,000 pounds because of the very small chip size in the diode. In addition, the structure is simple in design (expanded metal mesh) on which the very light-weight rectifier elements are mounted. d. Capital and Operating Costs The technical reports cited in References 2 through 10 describe the rationale for the baseline design for the SSPS. Workable versions of each component for the SSPS exist today, or can be built, although some will entail considerable development. The costs of the major components, such as the solar cells, microwave generators, and rectifiers, can be drastically reduced. Programs are already under way to achieve cost reductions. Further reductions can be achieved by mass production, as demonstrated by the successful evolution from development to production for a wide range of products (71). The estimates for the capital costs are shown in Table 36. The three columns describe an appraisal of the possible cost spread. A figure in the 0.25 column reflects the belief that there is one chance in four that the cost would be equal to or less than the figure cited. Similarly, the entries in the 0.50 and 0.75 columns suggest that there are two and three chances, respectively, out of four that the cost will be at least as favorable as the figure cited.