NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

TABLE 36 ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS (S/kW) These cost estimates were developed against the baseline design of 5,000 MW. The extreme modularity of the solar cell arrays and microwave transmission system is such that the unit costs (i.e., dollars per.kilowatt) may be insensitive to the power output of the SSPS. If the assumption is made that the prototype system is represented by 0.75 column and the operational system by the 0.25 column, it would appear that the costs are comparable to the prototype and operational costs of other competing energy-production systems. The composite figure is more than a simple sum. The figure for 0.25 which represents the overall cost of the system must be greater than the sum of individual figures in the 0.25 column — how much greater depends on the degree of independence of the individual events and the nature of the individual distribution (i.e., the curve between and beyond the points 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75). The composite figures* are based on very simple assumptions: (1) The events are completely independent; and (2) The distribution is nearly rectangular. The assumption is made that the table describes the principal capital components, and that additional items will be minor or insignificant relative to the cost figures presented. Although the details have not been worked out, the assumption can be made that the development cost of the transportation delivery system would be about $10 billion, and that the development costs for all other SSPS systems would not exceed these costs. These estimates would have to be made on a stand-alone basis; that is, no cost-sharing with other programs. The proper share of these development costs would be written off against a number of SSPS's. On the