NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

INTRODUCTION Solar energy is being seriously considered as an alternative energy source for a wide range of applications not only as a result of technological advances, but in response to a variety of economic, environmental, and social forces. As limitations on conventional energy sources and the environmental consequences of energy production become more apparent, solar energy stands out as an inexhaustible alternate energy source if it can be harnessed within economic, environmental, and social constraints. Recently the potential of solar energy to meet future needs has been re-examined (1). Today opportunities for harnessing solar energy, both over the long and short term, are being investigated by government and industry. The magnitude of solar energy theoretically available is far in excess of future needs. Although the sun radiates vast quantities of energy, they reach the Earth in a very dilute form. Thus, any attempts to harness solar energy on a significant scale will require devices which occupy a large area as well as locations that receive a copious supply of sunlight. These requirements restrict Earthbased solar energy conversion devices for producing power to a few favorable geographical locations. Even for these locations energy storage must be provided to compensate for the day-night cycle and cloudy weather. One way to harness solar energy effectively would be to move the solar-energy conversion devices off the surface of the Earth and place them in orbit away from the Earth's active environment and influence and resulting erosive forces (2). The most favorable orbit from the power density point of view would be one around the sun, but a synchronized orbit around the Earth could be used where solar energy is available nearly 24 hours of every day. In the five years since the concept of a satellite solar power station (SSPS) was first presented as an alternative energy production method (3), the energy crisis experienced in the technologically advanced countries has intensified because of increasing energy use and demands for a clean environment. An assessment of the feasibility of the SSPS concept has shown that it is worthy of Consideration as an alternative energy production method (4-9). Its development can be realized by building on scientific realities, on an existing industrial capacity for mass production, and on demonstrated technological achievement (10).